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PA500 Amplifier Q&A

Q: How do I get on the waiting list?

A:Get on the mailing list here:

Q: If I put my name on the list today, how long till I actually get the amp?

A: The expected delivery date for a waitlist addition today is more than 12 months.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: The current price of the PA500 is $1400.

Q: What adapter frames are there?

A: There are adapter frames for: TX-500, IC-705, and KX3

Q: Do I need CAT control cables?

A: No additional cables are now needed for the amp. The only cables you need are: power, RF in, and RF out.

Q: Why is the wait so long?

A: These are all hand built by Oliver. He has tried outsourcing, but the quality standards are far below what he considers acceptable. He also is focused on Europe for obvious reasons, and a small portion of his units make it to the US, where they go through final assembly at theQRPstore, and sent out to the people on the US waiting list.

Q: How long is the list?

A: We can’t really answer that for multiple reasons, but at the current rate of production, we are well into 2023.

Q: Why does it take so long for theQRPstore to answer my questions?

A: I have a day job, a house, and a high maintenance XYL.

Q: When does theQRPstore answer inquires concerning the PA500?

A: I block every Sunday 1100-1300 eastern time to work on this. (this is when my XYL is out of the house, which gives me a little time to concentrate, without the you know what)